July 1
I highly recommend a Gratitude journal. I try to add everything for which I am grateful. 

When I can't think of anything, I just look up and out the window. God's beauty is sitting right outside my house.
Look at this cool collage I made from pictures of plants in my yard. Thank you God.

Going clockwise from the upper left: bromiliad in my front yard:

  • Bromeliad
  • Tallandsia Cyanea sitting in my puakenikeni bush in the back yard, 
  • Spider Lily in my backyard (it's a huge plant about seven feet across; the flower is the size of adinner platter),
  •  Heliconia near the large Heliconia palm in the east garden, 
  • Hibiscus right outside my living room window, 
  • an orange on my little orange tree in the back yard, 
  • Packer Palms (not really, but that's what I call them when they start to turn golden - such a nice contrast with the remaining green palms), 
  • Pikake (the Hawaiian name for Jasmine)
  • Claradendron Perfect - multicolor pink flowers near the back lanai, and in the center, 
  • (center) a giant Hapuu fern unfolding right outside my back lana
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