October 16
The best part of every session with Marga was when she put the couch into recline mode and put me "under."
Between sessions, I listened to her CD. In it she talks the listener into a hypnotic state where they can insert their own suggestions. 
The CD made it easy to utilize what she had taught me about self-hypnosis.
Believe it or not, Marga recommends placing opaque stones under your pillow to stop wild dreaming. I have no idea why it should work. But I tried it and yes, it stops that wild dream/thinking and lets me get into a deeper restful sleep.

I use an old malachite necklace.
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Spam Shelf at KTA in Waimea
Spam Shelf at KTA in WaimeaSpam Shelf at KTA in WaimeaSpam Shelf at KTA in Waimea
Spam Shelf at KTA in Waimea
"Look deep into my eyes. . .you are getting sleepy."
Hypnosis was a great transformation tool. My hypnotherapist, Marga, explained the process thoroughly in a series of chats. She even taught me how to perform self-hypnosis.
Spam Display at Foodland, in Waimea
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Spam Display at Foodland, in Waimea
Spam Display at Foodland, in Waimea
Spam Display at Foodland, in WaimeaSpam Display at Foodland, in WaimeaSpam Display at Foodland, in Waimea
Spam Display at Foodland, in Waimea
Spam Display at Foodland, in Waimea
Spam Display at Foodland, in WaimeaSpam Display at Foodland, in WaimeaSpam Display at Foodland, in Waimea
Spam Display at Foodland, in Waimea