July 24
We were having so much fun with Maggie and Alice up at the lake, that we invited them to come with us college shopping at UW-Madison. Jade is very interested in Madison.

Unfortunately, the weather turned stinkin' hot and humid. We had to eat our ice cream inside, or risk losing it to melting within minutes. Yuk.

The worst of it was hiking up and down Bascom Hill in the heat. By the end of the day I was tired and cranky.

All evening I had been telling the girls about Krispie Creme Donuts. I whispered it to them in the early morning until they woke hungry.

Imagine my disappointment when I found that they had turned off the donut and glazing machine because it was too stinkin hot! They just drove the donuts over from a different location that could take the electrical load. Bummer.  Worst was that they didn't even have a microwave to warm them up. Sigh.

Well, the girls enjoyed them. But they didn't have the memories of those donuts in Georgia the way I did.

Manifesting Paradise ~ Book Photos
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I really enjoyed getting to know Alice and Maggie better this year, as individuals, not just nieces. 

To my surprise, I received this lovely shirt that they made for me at Christmas. 

This picture was taken at the lake the following year. I wanted to show my appreciation for their thoughtfulness by proudly wearing the shirt.
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Rainbow at HPA
Rainbow at HPARainbow at HPARainbow at HPA
Rainbow at HPA
Turtle on the Beach - Old Soul
Turtle on the Beach - Old SoulTurtle on the Beach - Old SoulTurtle on the Beach - Old Soul
Turtle on the Beach - Old Soul
Make it happen
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Kathryn's First Fish!
Kathryn's First Fish!Kathryn's First Fish!Kathryn's First Fish!
Kathryn's First Fish!
I remember my first summer in Madison, WI. I swore I learned to sweat for the first time. I don't remember hiking up Bascom Hill every day, even though I know I did, some days multiple times. But I have to admit, I was in good shape back then.

I went to UW-Madison for my BS and MS degrees.
Stinkin' hot and humid