June 11
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Hawaiian islands spread over 360 miles
Hawaiian islands spread over 360 milesHawaiian islands spread over 360 milesHawaiian islands spread over 360 miles
Hawaiian islands spread over 360 miles
Spam Display at Foodland, in Waimea
Spam Display at Foodland, in WaimeaSpam Display at Foodland, in WaimeaSpam Display at Foodland, in Waimea
Spam Display at Foodland, in Waimea
Hawaiian islands spread over 360 miles
Hawaiian islands spread over 360 milesHawaiian islands spread over 360 milesHawaiian islands spread over 360 miles
Hawaiian islands spread over 360 miles
Spam Display at Foodland, in Waimea
Spam Display at Foodland, in WaimeaSpam Display at Foodland, in WaimeaSpam Display at Foodland, in Waimea
Spam Display at Foodland, in Waimea
My father and my grandmother dominated Mom. She was the most quiet person I've ever known.

She was also quite the babe, shapely and ever ready to dance.
We didn't realize what a clothes horse she was until we were cleaning out her closets after her death. She bought very good quality outfits for work and she had a lot of them. As we peruse old photos, I notice that she was always right in style. Here's the Jackie Kennedy pillbox hat era, on my Confirmation.
Here's Mom with Grandma. This is the picture where everyone remarks that I look just like her. I heard that a lot, especially in her latter years. I confess to being ambivalent about that. I wasn't like her in so many ways.
Mom had three daughters, me at age 21, Grace 2 1/2 years later, and Mae on her 30th birthday. We always celebrated their birthdays together.
Mom was a heck of a Grandma. She babysat for Graces's kids and Mae's kids later. They were lucky to have Grandma so close. It was more difficult for my girls to bond with her because they didn't see her very often, at least not until we moved to Wisconsin.  

It was difficult for me to bond with her too - so different from me, so quiet.
Spam Display at Foodland, in Waimea
Spam Display at Foodland, in WaimeaSpam Display at Foodland, in WaimeaSpam Display at Foodland, in Waimea
Spam Display at Foodland, in Waimea
Lessons through Mom